Among our numbers we are delighted to welcome a VERY special guest - Andrew Gardiner better known to fans of BBC2's 'The Victorian Slum' as the 'Rentman'. Andrew like the rest of us can't wait for the show to begin. Below are a few words from the man himself on his thoughts regarding the forthcoming show, family history and what working for the hit TV series taught him about ancestors with disabilities.
Filming the Victorian slum for BBC2 was a great experience and certainly brought home to me the struggles that were faced daily by my ancestors and indeed by all the slum dwellers. It gave me a much deeper respect and understanding for those that came before me and it was especially emotional and evocative when I finally got my mind around the fact that someone with my kind of disability would not usually be expected to survive for long and that the never ending fight to eat, earn and live a productive life would have been almost impossible to overcome. The Victorian slum dwellers were heros and it is on the backs of the poor, that this country was built.
Thanks guys, really looking forward to attending and if I can help one other visitor to gain an interest in their family history and their own story, it will be amazing.
Andy Gardiner"